SVdP Financial &

Voucher Assistance

The St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Basic Needs Programs’ goal is to help individuals and families become less dependent on community resources through an individualized, comprehensive service model that addresses root causes of poverty. 

SVdP's community-driven programs provide our neighbors with the tools and resources they need to transform into thriving individuals and families.

Are you in need of financial or voucher assistance?

¿Necesita ayuda financiera o vales?

To apply for voucher assistance or financial assistance for rent, utilities, transportation, or other unique requests, please click on the below request button.

If you have questions about financial or voucher assistance, please email our Mission Services Coordinator at

Portions of Outagamie and Waupaca County are eligible for service through St. Vincent de Paul Appleton without regard to religious affiliation, ethnicity, documentation, gender, status, or age. We do not ask that you belong to any certain faith community or that you participate in any religious activity in order to receive assistance; we serve all people. 

*Neenah/Menasha residents, contact SVdP Neenah/Menasha at (920) 729-4571 for financial or voucher assistance requests.*